Jutsu & Dev/Hub Collaboration -Q1 Milestones

Jutsu & Dev/Hub Collaboration -Q1 Milestones

In our first quarter since announcing the partnership between Jutsu and HackBox, part of NEAR DevHub, we've made significant strides to enhance the hackathon experience for developers around the globe. This retrospective highlights our key activities, feature rollouts, and the path forward as we continue to innovate and support the developer community. Let's dive into the highlights from Q1!

ETH Denver Showcase

In a captivating live demo at Devhub’s NEAR/DEV/TALKS event on February 27th, Zahidul Islam presented the latest advancements in Jutsu's platform, including our groundbreaking Web3 AI Copilot and real-time collaboration features. The intimate breakfast demo event attracted developers eager to learn about our newly launched UI Code Generator, Bento, and explore the possibilities of IntelliSense (code-completion) capabilities. This demonstration was part of our commitment to engage directly with the developer community, offering hands-on experiences with our platform.


Driving Engagement: Platform Demonstrations and Hackathon Support

This past quarter, Jutsu supported four Hackbox hackathons: ETH Denver, ETH Oxford, ETH Samba, and ETH Seoul. Our team got involved in discussions, helping teams get to know each other, and showing everyone how to get the most out of the Jutsu platform. We were there in person, and on Telegram, to answer questions, offer guidance, and make sure everyone had what they needed to build something great. It's been amazing to see what developers can do, and we're proud to have been a part of these communities, who push the envelope of what's possible in Web3 development.

We produced a comprehensive virtual demonstration of Jutsu and developed a concise slide presentation tailored for the NEAR Hacker House event at ETH London, aiming to familiarize hackathon participants with our platform's capabilities. By joining their Telegram group chat, we provided real-time assistance, addressing inquiries about leveraging Jutsu as a hackathon tool, thereby ensuring participants could maximize their use of our platform.

NEAR Hacker house at ETH London

Feature Requests

We've successfully implemented several key features requested by the Dev/Hub team, aligning with the goals set forth in our NEAR Social Proposal from January.

Live/Launched Features

  • Added IntelliSense (auto-complete functionality): support for NEAR Social, BOS Components, ‘styled-components’ and other core libraries within the Jutsu WebIDE.
  • Created the following keyboard shortcuts: Searching components (Cmd + p). View source code by clicking “.” when a component is open inside the Jutsu gateway (inspired by GitHub).
  • Collaborative Editing: Option for real-time (google-docs style) group collaboration with other developers.
  • ChatGPT/Copilot integration: Embedded within the Jutsu WebIDE, this feature includes builder functionalities that enable you to write documentation directly from your code, debug, explain, and streamline your code, among other enhancements. This was achieved ahead of schedule, as it was originally set as a Q2 2024 goal.
  • Generative UI: Effortlessly design a functional user interface using only a prompt, a feature available at (bento.jutsu.ai). This was also accomplished ahead of schedule, surpassing our original Q4 2024 target.

Features In Progress

  • Q2 – Seamless User Onboarding: At the registration stage, Jutsu will provide a simplified NEAR wallet or GitHub account setup process. Participants will receive pre-filled accounts (small) for deploying components.
  • Q2 – Github Import: Import and export BOS components into and out of GitHub, import Github components into Jutsu for local development.
  • Continuous: Working alongside Hackbox to provide hackathon support regarding usage of the Jutsu platform and its features.

Next Steps

As we move into Q2 and beyond, our focus will remain on delivering innovative features and improving the hackathon experience in Web3! For a detailed roadmap of our upcoming metrics, goals, and feature developments, we invite our community to visit our public Trello board.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to push the boundaries of hackathon engagement and developer support!

Learn More

For more information about the Jutsu-Hackbox partnership and their individual services, please visit our websites linked below:

Apply to be a Hackbox Host!

If you’re interested in running your own hackathon, submit an application through Hackbox!

For Media Inquiries please contact:


And as always, Happy Coding!!